Donate to Shree Krishna Mandir

PLEASE NOTE: If you donate using the below method, the Mandir won’t receive your full donation (3% transaction fee and 1.4% + 20p transaction processing fee) will be deducted from your donation before it reaches the Mandir. E.g. for an £51.00 donation, the Mandir will receive £48.56.
For the Mandir to receive your full donation, a bank transfer to the following account is recommended:
Account number: 59096934
Sort code: 01-09-31
Account name: Shree Krishna Mandhata Mandal


The countdown begins of our 50th anniversary since the installation of Shree-Shree Radha-Krishna! The original Pran Pratishtha of our Bhagwan took place on 22nd June 1974.

We would like to plan a celebration that is memorable for another 50 years!

If you would like to donate towards the 50th anniversary, please click below:

Donate towards the 50th anniversary


Shree Krishna Mandir is solely funded by your kind donations throughout the year. We do understand that there are priorities at the moment for all of us and humbly request that the Mandir is included on your list.

Your kind donations contribute towards the daily running of the Mandir, this includes fruits, flowers, heating, lighting, salary, bhog, insurance, consumables etc.

Make a General Donation
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Daily Bhog.png


Every day at noon, ’Raj-bhog,’ or lunch is offered to Shree Shree Radha Krishna. It consists of shak, rotli, daal, bhaat etc. Bhog is lovingly prepared by our Pujari on the Mandir site.  

Devotees are invited to sponsor Bhagwan’s bhog for £11 per day. Sponsorship can be made in the name of your family members to mark birthdays, anniversaries, memorial dates of loved ones, holy days etc.

Sponsor Bhagwan's Daily Bhog

In memory of a loved one

When someone passes away or when their anniversary approaches, families like to donate to the Mandir as it meant so much to their loved one.

If you would like to donate to Shree Krishna Mandir in memory of a loved one, we have now made it possible for you to do so. As you go through the transaction process, there will also be an opportunity to state the name of your loved one.

Donate in memory of a loved one
In memory of a loved one.png